It’s all about the beer, about the beer, no vodka | It’s All About the (Polish) Beer, no Vodka

This time my blog is about beer.  Polish beer specifically.   It is not going to be a blog full of technical things like the difference between an ale and a lager, top fermentation versus bottom fermentation, and all kinds of scientific stuff like that.  I am not a beer expert, I am more of a try it and see what I think about it expert. (more…)

Sunday’s On Broad Street | Little Poland Festival

Sundays on Broad Street are usually quiet. Many of the stores close in the early afternoon if they are open at all. The street is briefly populated when Mass at Sacred Heart lets out and then becomes vacant until the next Mass is over.

Yesterday was different. Yesterday was the last Sunday in April, an ordinary day everywhere but in New Britain. In New Britain it is “Little Poland Day”, a day to celebrate Poland, Polonia, and a very special street-Broad Street, New Britain. (more…)